Driving workplace sustainability with unified building technologies

Managers of commercial real estate and hybrid workplaces face unprecedented challenges in operating their facilities while also delivering occupant satisfaction. But what if there were a way to gain visibility from both IT and OT data?  

Introducing a game-changing solution: Cisco and Schneider Electric have joined forces to meet the need for smarter, more sustainable buildings. By connecting the Cisco Spaces and EcoStruxure™ Building Operation platforms, this innovative solution enables hyper-efficient buildings. It empowers you to:

  1. Effectively manage your building systems.
  2. Reduce energy consumption.
  3. Work towards achieving net-zero carbon goals. 

Please fill out this form to receive a brochure that demonstrates the efficiency of a unified approach to future building operations.

A Cisco and Schneider Electric solution

Enhance the efficiency and sustainability of your buildings by accessing performance insights and improving operational control.

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In egestas metus vel venenatis dictum. Praesent ut ultrices ligula. Proin sit amet mauris et diam sagittis euismod.

Etiam ullamcorper ipsum quis massa lacinia laoreet.

05N. Grid Image & Text

In egestas metus vel venenatis dictum. Praesent ut ultrices ligula. Proin sit amet mauris et diam sagittis euismod.

Etiam ullamcorper ipsum quis massa lacinia laoreet.


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03W. Main Text Module

Sed ornare varius luctus. Sed finibus sem ut dui ornare, ac mattis orci posuere. Phasellus eu faucibus eros, eu fermentum dui. Proin blandit ante id auctor hendrerit. Pellentesque vestibulum, urna ac interdum auctor, neque lacus ultricies tellus, vitae tempor eros odio condimentum nunc.

  1. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
  2. Vivamus rhoncus risus non vestibulum hendrerit.
  3. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
  4. Vivamus rhoncus risus non vestibulum hendrerit.

06W. Video & Text


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