Prepare your data center for AI - We can help.

With rapid growth in AI use, data centers from hyperscale to colo, enterprise and edge need to adapt. Due to their high power density, AI servers will bring changes to data center architecture.

Complete the form to contact our sales team regarding these topics, or a related AI query:

  1. Guidance on power train, including switchgear, distribution and rPDUs
  2. Cooling assessment and evaluation of liquid cooling retrofits
  3. Preparing your expansion or new build to accommodate AI-ready white space
  4. Upgrading monitoring software or employing remote power monitoring

Contact us


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05N. Image & Text

In egestas metus vel venenatis dictum. Praesent ut ultrices ligula. Proin sit amet mauris et diam sagittis euismod.

Etiam ullamcorper ipsum quis massa lacinia laoreet.

05N. Grid Image & Text

In egestas metus vel venenatis dictum. Praesent ut ultrices ligula. Proin sit amet mauris et diam sagittis euismod.

Etiam ullamcorper ipsum quis massa lacinia laoreet.


Contact us

03W. Main Text Module

Sed ornare varius luctus. Sed finibus sem ut dui ornare, ac mattis orci posuere. Phasellus eu faucibus eros, eu fermentum dui. Proin blandit ante id auctor hendrerit. Pellentesque vestibulum, urna ac interdum auctor, neque lacus ultricies tellus, vitae tempor eros odio condimentum nunc.

  1. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
  2. Vivamus rhoncus risus non vestibulum hendrerit.
  3. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
  4. Vivamus rhoncus risus non vestibulum hendrerit.

06W. Video & Text


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