'Sustainability Index, 2023’
Investigating corporate Australia’s position on sustainability and energy efficiency to present a unique perspective of the move from intention to outcomes on the net zero agenda.
This year’s report reveals that although Australian businesses have recognised the imperative of achieving net zero emissions as a key driver for economic competitiveness and climate resilience, many companies are not acting quickly enough to address this urgent challenge. The findings of Schneider Electric's Sustainability Index, 2023 survey of over 500 decision-makers across corporate Australia highlights the need for increased momentum in decarbonisation efforts. Among other key data, the report reveals that more than three-quarters (77%) claimed that sustainable transformation is driving a competitive edge and over two-thirds (69%) of businesses agree that Australia must meet net zero emissions targets to remain economically competitive.
To access valuable insights and commentary about sustainability as an economic imperative and the role of technology in driving transformation, please fill in the form and download the full report.
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